I would like to thank Chuck McCown at MTC for taking the time and getting us setup with the cobble busting blade. We had a different blade getting around 400ft out of it and the cobble busting blade has around 7000ft still looking brand new.
Hey guys, I micro trench with these blades exclusively at this point. Chuck is getting these blades closer and closer to the best performing blades I’ve used and obviously the best price. The last blade I bought is performing exceptionally well. I think the soldering processes have been revised. I’m about 8k feet into this blade and haven’t lost any PDC or carbide bits yet which is unexpected and outstanding. Also I’m starting to believe the angle of the segment does indeed make a difference in trench clean out. I have discontinued the use of compressed air behind the saw as I no longer need that added help to get a clean trench
Zero issues
A common story from our customers is that some other vendor brought them a blade to try. They try it for a few hundred feet or a half day and the saw operator demands to have our blade put back on. The issue is always the same – how slow the other guys are. I have heard this dozens of times but it always puts a smile on my face.
Greetings to all, we are very happy and satisfied with the purchase of the disc from the MC COWN company, since we are almost at 17,000 cutting feet and I can assure you that the disc is at 80% life and we have found cement with a rod of more than 1/2 inch blue stone and we have found manjoles and we have impacted them and the disc has responded excellently and also that we have given it sharp curves at times and it works very well I am not telling you to do them I am just sharing my experience with the product that is of a quality incomparable with the others Chuck McCown Thanks!!!
Speaking about the STV300 Grout Machine
I have spoken to Santiago and to everyone who asks me about the [blade] that you make and no one believed what you guaranteed me for the [blade]. With the first disc I cut almost 23,000 feet without any maintenance and now everyone wants a disc from you.